Thursday, February 17, 2011

15 Lessons Learned

As we tumble through life, along the way we gather and collect, somewhat unconsciously, life lessons that we have learned.  Some are small, inconsequential, and some are so cosmic that they change the course of our life.  Sometimes for the good, sometimes not so good.  But isn't that the mystery that keeps us rolling along? 

Here's a few of my life lessons. 

So far anyway. 

I anticipate I have many more to encounter! 

How about you?

15 Lessons I Have Learned

... that you really can get skin cancer from the sun

... love can be lost

... people aren’t always necessarily kind or honest

... life does get better after 50

... kids will grow up at their own rate

... grandparenting is much better than parenting

... everyone deserves a second chance

... words can damage the heart

... life never happens exactly as you plan it

... cough syrup doesn’t work

... forgiving does not always come easily

... stretching feels good

... the grapefruit diet doesn't work either

... never stand in the middle of a highway

... choices are within our grasp, we only have to reach out

Still learning,
missing the mom gene