Wednesday, January 30, 2013

And the beat goes on

The weather has been so dark and dreary here lately.  I am so ready for some sunshine but I don't think we are going to see any for a few days.  Today, it's a remarkable 60 degrees!  But it's not going to last long.  Temps are taking a dive later.

Since I was bed-bound this past weekend, I spent a little time organizing my photos (an endless task!) and signed up to use PhotoShelter to backup my most favorite photos.  I used to use SmugMug but I find PhotoShelter so much more attractive and customizable.  And the best part is that there's a plug-in to export photos out of Aperture straight into PhotoShelter!!  Awesome!  You can find my new site at Reena Walkling Photography.

It was a huge task to sort and figure out which images I wanted to store there.  After losing 6 months worth of photos (including over a 2,000+ from our Istanbul and Alaska trips ~sigh~) due to my hard drive crashing, I never wanted to have that problem again.

But on to more pleasant thoughts!
Critters ....

All the critters have been super active in the backyard in spite of rain and snow and cold.  My little Carolina Wren comes almost daily now so I'm thinking she may be here to raise her young.  All your comments were quite interesting about the multitude of places you have seen the Wren's build their nests. I'm hoping a little bird house will be enticing to her.

We also have had a new visitor around lately!  This kitty was sitting by our back door the other morning watching the birds.  Breakfast must have been on her mind.  I captured this quick photo of her expression "WHAT THE HELL" before she quickly scurried off upon seeing me.  I hope she has a home somewhere.

Thanks for all your kind comments on my recovery.  
I'm almost back to normal.
Well as normal as I can possibly be at the age of 60!
Normal would be having knees of a teenager.

Later, my friends!