Monday, August 1, 2011

Squawking delight

Since I have abandoned my backyard critters for beach delights, I needed a bird fix.

And I didn't have to go far.  Black Skimmers have nested by the hundreds and hundreds on the north end of Anna Maria.

This juvenile was quite engaging.

And a bit of a showoff!

 Well, hello there camera lady!

How do you like this pose?  I think it makes me look quite slim!

 Here's my other side  ...  but really, now it isn't my best.

Front view?  Oh PLEASE , don't use that view.  I look so chubby! 
Besides, that feather is stuck on my beak.  I was in the middle of some preening.

Ok now, that's enough.  I've got to get down to business here.

I haven't eaten all morning and I need to do some serious squawking.

That did the trick.   Parental units on their way with food!

 Excuse me while I do some genuflecting.
Parents always like a sign of appreciation.

Okay, now, get lost so I can eat in peace.

Come back tomorrow and maybe I'll
introduce you to the rest of the family.

Out of courtesy,
I aimed my lens away.

I really don't like to be photographed while I'm eating either!

~ sharing with ~
World Bird Wednesday