Spring! And with it, comes new life.
Being from Iowa and all, and if you are into bird watching, I couldn't help but share this engrossing live web cam that was started two days ago as these eaglets near hatching.
The Raptor Resource Project brings you the Decorah Eagles from atop their tree at the fish hatchery in Decorah, Iowa. One of the eaglets hatched sometime through the night and unfortunately, I missed it.
I can't seem to quit watching .... along with the other 150,000 live viewers!
The howling wind and surrounding bird calls are intoxicating.
My goodness, I'll never get anything done now.
Like taxes.
But what better way to procrastinate than to spy on a couple of eagles.
Here's the link to the live cam and more information about this wonderful hatchery:
Decorah Eagles from atop their tree
Or, take a few minutes and watch this YouTube video of mom and dad at their shift change.
Hope you enjoy,
missing the mom gene