This weekend was beautiful!
One NOT to be wasted indoors. At least Saturday anyway. It rained all day Sunday. But the temps were great! It felt like summer was saying a slow goodbye.
Within walking distance of our home are some trails The Professor and I like to hike occasionally. So we headed on down there but were greeted with this sign.
BEWARE ... archery hunters!
The Professor and I spent a few minutes contemplating if we should enter or not.
We thought if their aim was as bad as their spelling, we were safe.
It was a beautiful peaceful walk and gave me a great excuse to use my 18-55mm lens......
..... and take other photos besides the critters in my back yard. (Speaking of critters, I've got a treat for you at the end.)
The neat thing about these wooded acres is that about 20 minutes into the walk you happen upon ....
..... a large bamboo forest! It's the coolest thing. Something I didn't expect the first time I happened on it.
On our way back, we noticed some tree carvings. Tree graffiti .... not good Dirk!
I couldn't help but notice a fair number of fallen yellow leaves. Summer postcards to fall.
After our hike, we didn't feel like heading home just yet and drove over to one of our local farmer's markets. I love wandering amongst all that color and I was not disappointed.
But what WAS disappointing upon returning home, was that our freezer seemed to be on the fritz.
Ugh! We had to haul everything out and put it in our other fridge. And it had been such a great day. Guess the universe thought I had too much joy for one day and needed to even things out.
I say phooey on that. Anyway, guess I'll be entertaining a repairman on Monday.
And now, for that special treat!
Remember that mama squirrel?
Well, I had not seen her for two weeks while she was taking care of her new brood. Well, today, was MOVING day!
She apparently didn't like our old cherry tree and was moving her babies from our backyard to an oak tree across the street on the golf course. I mean, really! As if our view wasn't good enough!
This was the best picture I could get of her ... she was moving pretty fast and far away. She did this three times. And each time, I held my breath as she crossed the street. One time, she STOPPED in the middle of the road! aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh! Golfers don't care about any ole squirrel when they have a Tee time to make!
Now I'm just going to worry about her all the time crossing the road. But wait!
Amazon to the rescue!
So ... which one do you think I should get?

I'll rest a lot better once I get my new sign.
Hope your weekend was this much fun!
(Except for the freezer part.)
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