Thursday, March 28, 2013


 March will soon be behind us and I think many of us will eagerly say 'goodbye'!  
~~~~ G O O D B Y E ~~~~
(I think in caps that means I am screaming 'goodbye'!)
I'm beginning to see buds forming on some of our trees and watching the squirrels gather nesting materials.  Soon, all the backyard critters will be crazed as the mating season nears.

I am so far behind on my blogging activities that I have images from Maine that I still want to share with you.  While there, The Professor and I took a drive one cloudy, cold afternoon to an area I wanted to scope out for some summer hikes.  One area was Ducktrap River.  Too much snow to do any hiking, we clamored down to a little jetty to capture the Ducktrap River Bridge near Lincolnville on Highway 1 (first image).  Turning 180 degrees, I faced Penobscot Bay where numerous islands lie beyond, one being Islesboro in the above photo.

This summer, I plan to take the ferry that takes visitors and residents to the nearby islands.  The Margret Chase Smith ferry carries folks from Lincolnville to Islesboro.  But there are a number of other ferries to carry one to Monhegan Island, the home of beautiful landscapes for artists and Machias Seal Island, where one can get up close and personal with the Puffins.

The Professor and I wrapped up our day adventure with a late lunch in Belfast.  A huge bridge spans Belfast Bay along with a pedestrian bridge, from which I took the above photo.  In the summertime, one can indulge in delicious huge fresh lobsters at Young's across the harbor from Belfast.  A favorite indulgence of The Professor and I.

So, as March dissolves into April, let us have no more scenes like the one above.
