Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brave New World

I admit, I was late to jump on The Hunger Games bandwagon when all the reviewers were acting like it was the next Harry Potter series.

Confession Alert: I never read the Potter series.  But I have seen the first movie if that counts.

It took me a year to get around to take the plunge with the Hunger trilogy ... reluctantly since it was YA (young adult) sci-fi. 

Not my thing. 

But I had just finished So Much for That by Lionel Shriver and her other book, We Need to Talk About Kevin.

I was exhausted, a good exhaustion, but nevertheless, I needed something light. 

So I dived into The Hunger Games and I haven’t come up for air yet!

This book is definitely a fast paced page turner story set in a postapocalyptic world that is filled with the complexities of human emotion.  In a dystopian future state, a teenage girl must fight for her freedom – and her life.

Great characters and story arc.

A place and time, unfortunately, that I believe could actually happen to a future society.

But best, a powerful female protagonist.

And I so like that.  You go girl!

Have you read it or plan to read it?  What are you reading right now?

Have a beautiful day!
missing the mom gene