The last few days have been a bit dark and dreary here in the Northeast. The world outside my window consists of nothing but shades of browns with the occasional color splash of cardinals or blue birds. I need some sunshine!
Sooooo .... I began searching through my archives in hopes of eliminating my blah feeling over these February winter days.
I didn't have to search far.
I had forgotten about my photos of the white pelicans. Last month when we were in Anna Maria having breakfast at the Rod & Reel Pier, the waitress mentioned (me, with camera sitting on table) the dozens of white pelicans that hung out down by Cortez Kitchen.
So you can guess where I drug The Professor that afternoon!
I was in pelican heaven!
There must have been over 50 white pelicans all gathered near the shore,
preening and primping.
But it was these few that captured my attention ... drifting away ...
Seeking a bit of peace and comfort
from the maddening flock nearby.
I feel that way about flocks crowds.
They totally drain my energy and I will quickly retreat
to a place of solitude ...
... to dream of sunny days and ocean breezes
and kitty snuggles.
: : :
Ahhhhhh ..... I'm feeling so much better now!
I just might make it through February.
How about you? What do you do to work
through ~blah~ winter days?