The Professor is requesting that we go for a walk. And I will. As soon as I finish this blog, I tell him. He rolls his eyes. You'll be hours, he says. He knows me well. But then, today ... I may just prove him wrong.
I have spent too much time at my computer through these pretty days. First, I have been working on setting up my new website,, where someday I hope to transfer this blog to that url. I'm so over using the ~missingthemomgene~ url. I just haven't had the courage to make the transfer yet. Nor commit the time to do so either!
You know how those things go ... never smoothly!
I also had to spend time planning a trip to Turkey in June. The Professor has a conference in Istanbul. Isn't Syria next door to Turkey??? Oh my! From what I can ascertain, it looks pretty safe though. We will not tour around Turkey but stay in the city. I'm not usually one for staying in the cities when visiting a foreign country. I like to get out into the smaller regions and explore. But in this case, I think best to stay put in Istanbul.And one final nice thing. Brian Miller over at waystationone hosted dversepoets on Saturday and so kindly used some of my photo work to inspire the participants' poetic pen. Take a moment to drop in. There are so many talented poets and writers at dversepoets. And thank you Brian. The exposure introduced me to some wonderful new artists!
Okay, I hear The Professor coming.
He is going to say 'you're not ready, are you' and I'm going to say,
'oh, yes I am ready ... I am DONE! Aha!
So there Mr. Smarty Pants!'
(Best to not let partners get too comfortable
with their preconceived perceptions!)
Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
I wanted to share these Blue Jays with you.
Their feathers are so beautiful and soft.
I just want to reach out and touch them.
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~ sharing with ~