As many of you know, this guy (Cooper's Hawk) comes around sporadically looking for a meal. Lately though, I haven't noticed him being very successful. Mostly, he's just been coming in and watching. But the other day, he did this!
He ate a worm!
Like a common Robin!
A smorgasboard of delicacies surround you and you eat a worm!!
I know. None of my business. But really, Mr. Cooper!
Not classy. Not classy at all!
: : :
Remember my shot the other day (here) of the multiple exposure of the pelicans? Well, jennyfreckles over at Saltaire Daily had the answer. Apparently my Nikon D7000 has a function for multiple exposures ... up to 3 photos! Who knew? Not me. Duh! More interesting fact is that how did it do that when I didn't set the setting. Guess we'll never know but at least there is the opportunity to do this again!
Yippie ki-yah!
Great comments yesterday my friends. I loved hearing all your thoughts!
~ sharing with~