Our last stop in New Zealand before heading to Australia was Wellington on the North Island. Once we settled into our hotel, we quickly set about taking in some sights. We hopped on the Wellington Cable Car which takes us up high above the city for expansive views. It was about an 8 minute ~steep~ ride in an old cable car. You can bet for those 8 minutes I was constantly hoping that they had routine maintenance on their equipment! But the little girl in pink below had no worries!! She was soooo excited on the ride!
Once there, we had a great view of downtown, the harbor and surrounding hills.
We then spent a couple of hours walking back down
through the Botanical Gardens filled with wonderful
springtime beauty and many many delightful birds!
I was rewarded towards the end of our journey
with quietly capturing this delightful child.
The joy on her face encountering this pup
was priceless!
Next up, Wellington's Cuban district and the Waterfront.
Later, my friends,