But let's move on, and let me catch you up on April's events.
You'll recall, we trekked out to Napa Valley in early April. Here's a couple of images of the Golden Gate Bridge as we headed back to the airport.
When we returned to Philly, Spring had finally begun to make an appearance,
along with some stormy days.
We journeyed down to Fredericksburg for a weekend to visit our brother-in-law for a few days and his sweet pack of dogs. We always have a good time hitting the flea markets and sharing lots of wine and laughter in the evenings. He has carved out a walking path around his pond which is where I captured the below image. And it must have been there that I inherited the tick I discovered on my waist the following day. Ewww! Fortunately, he had not fully attached himself.
Back to Philly, and spring continued to blossom
with more and more of my birdie friends returning,
and I caught up with an old friend who visited for a couple of days.
I continued to monitor a major bath renovation in our Rockport home that was started in February.
I had great hopes of its completion by the end of April.
But as with all renovations, things never seem to run on schedule.
April was also a time to catch up on some medical appointments. A Synvisc injection for my cranky arthritic left knee in attempts to hold off replacement.
And of course, the boob squishing mammogram
with the continuous good news all is a.o.k.
Another friend from Seattle joined us for a few days to attend The Professor's
Corporate Governance conference in Philly.
Our friend's daughter had heard of the Mutter Museum and wanted him to check it out.
So one afternoon, we spent viewing medical oddities and body parts.
Definitely disturbing.
I made a trip down to Anna Maria to check up on our vacation properties
and deal with some maintenance issues.
Not much time for any R & R like these folks below,
but I did get a few bike rides in and a couple of sunsets.
It's a pretty time of the year down there with the terns, skimmers and plovers
mating and nesting ...
along with the turtles beginning to return to lay their eggs.
And there you have it.
A full month of family, friends, travels, renovations and a
Vesper martinis in the mix
to ease my achy ole soul.
Looking forward to things slowing down a bit this month.
Taking more photos and getting back into the groove of blogging
and catching up with all of you.