sleep does not come to me
I lie here looking backward
in time
hoping some image
some event
will bring the
comfort of memory
to lull me into a place
of dream
in time
hoping some image
some event
will bring the
comfort of memory
to lull me into a place
of dream
This my dear friends, was written sometime between 3 and 4 am when I had yet not fallen asleep!
Sure does make a girl cranky! As a result, I chose to stay behind today and not venture up the ski slopes of Whistler. Just too tired and as we all know, that’s when accidents can happen.
But I’m happy that The Professor, whose meetings have ended, is out exploring the more difficult slopes without his slug of a bride holding him back. The clouds have lifted and it has been the first day that the mountain peaks have displayed themselves. I made sure The Professor took the camera. We should have some good images to share. (We would have great images to share if I only had that Nikon d90. *hint hint* Professor)
Each evening for dinner, we cross a bridge over the stream you see above in the picture. At night, there is a blue light that shines down on it creating a beautiful scene. My little Canon couldn't capture its essence. So you'll just have to imagine it.
Although I’m a beachy type girl, it is beautiful here and the temps don’t feel near as cold as the mountains in Utah. Interesting. Maybe it’s just that time of year.
Tomorrow we are off to Vancouver and then home.
I miss home.
And kitty kitty.
Happy Sunday evening,
missing the mom gene