Thursday, June 23, 2011


Royal Terns


isn't that just a great word

simple, playful, light
not full of itself
but just
sits there
waiting for me
to own it

: : :

One of my most favorite places is a beach on the northern end of Anna Maria Island.  We visit several times a year and each evening, The Professor and I pack up a bottle of wine and our chairs and stroll to an almost deserted beach for sunset. 

Well ....  we may have to share it with a few of the local inhabitants but I don't really mind.  
They really put on a show for us, swooping and preening and fishing.

I took the above photo this past spring.  
Everytime I look at it ... 
it makes me

And for me,
that is pure


For more Share the Joy Thursday, visit Meri @ Meri's Musings.