Thursday, August 11, 2011

A blooming hibiscus friendship

As you heard yesterday, the birds were a bit annoyed with me and sort of gave me a good thrashing for being a bit enamored with those Florida birds.  But things have settled a bit.

I filled up their feeders, cleaned out the hummers' feeders and the dead ants, and told everyone that I loved them more than the Florida birds.  (I'm not sure that is quite true but for the sake of harmony, let's pretend it is so.  And let's just keep that between us.  Otherwise there will be mutiny and I'll have nothing to blog about!)

The world is right again.

But I was a bit worried because I had not seen Darth Vader squirrel since returning.  (Another disclosure here:  I kind of favor him.)  But I hadn't seen him for a day or two.

Knowing my concern, my daughter surprised me with this ......

No, not a piece of abstract art ....

But a chair holder for an ear of corn .......

So they don't do this! 

Every time I gave them a corn cob treat, one of those rascal squirrels would run off with it and not share with his comrades. 

So not right and we were hopeful this would put a stop to it.

After several hours, I was delighted to see Darth Vader squirrel come about and investigate.

Darth Vader Squirrel:  Hey, House Lady, what the heck is this!

Me:  Just some treat for you and your buddies.  

Darth Vader Squirrel:  You mean I gotta eat it here as well as share?

Me:  Yes ... and be nice about it!

Carmen Chipmunk:  Does that mean they gotta share with me too?

Me:  Absolutely!

Carmen Chipmunk:  Okay squirrels, did you hear House Lady ... SHARE!

Carmen Chipmunk:  (approaching very cautiously) I don't eat much.

Carmen Chipmunk:  Just a few kernels or two and I'll be on my way.

Me: (after Rocky Squirrel rudely chases Carmen Chipmunk away)  Hey Rocky, that wasn't nice!

Rocky Squirrel:   House Lady, take a look at me!

Rocky Squirrel:  I've been a little under the weather and I'm down to skin and bones.  Look at me!  Look at me!  Look. at. me!   I need all the nourishment I can get!

Carmen Chipmunk:  Oh for goodness sakes squirrel, such a drama queen!

Me:  Sorry chipmunk ... I'll try to figure out some other way for you to get a share.

 Roxy Squirrel:  Hey chipmunk ... I'll share some of these hibiscus leaves with you.

Roxy Squirrel:  I'm almost done .... so come on up!

Carmen Chipmunk:  Why, thanks squirrel, that's mighty friendly of you  ... but I'm not sure House Lady is gonna be pleased with those broken branches you were lounging on.  Right House Lady?

Me:  Oh, no matter, chipmunk ... any day a squirrel is willing to share with you, is a day to be celebrated!  Knock your socks off and eat away! 

: : :

On a side note, I wanted to let you know that I have loved loved loved
all your wonderful and funny comments!
I read every one of them.
And love visiting
your wonderful creative blogs as well.

I'm behind this week since I took a little trip up
to the Jersey Shore (not beach ~giggle~) to visit an old friend who's visiting her own
family on the East coast.
We had not seen each other for several years
and it is one of those friendships that seems to just pick up
where we left off.  Not skipping a beat.

